Served with a bison burger and "Bubbies" pickle.

It is rare that I post a Veggie only recipe which is odd because I love to get creative with my veggies.  Whole Foods has a pre-made root veggie cake that looks amazing (and apparently tastes pretty good too based on FPH’s feedback), but contains some questionable ingredients so I’ve never touched them.  I decided to try making my own version.  This one is definitely going into my book of favourites…..I am addicted to these suckers now.  You can use any root veggies, but I like the celery root because it’s not as starchy as some of the other root veggies and it pairs nicely with the carrots and parsley.

*Note: This recipe requires a food processor.  If you do not have one, I am sure you could grate the veggies if you’re up for an arm workout.  Hey, maybe you could sub this in favour of your shake weight routine.

– 1 large (or 2 small) celery root – outer skin/knobs removed
–  3 large carrots or 12 baby carrots – peeled (if regular carrot)
– 3 parsnips – peeled
– 1/2 Cup parsley – chopped
– 1/2 red onion
– salt and pepper
– 1 Tbsp coconut oil
– 2-3 egg yolks


1. Grate all the root veggies and onion in the food processor.
2.  Mix them together with the parsley and salt/pepper in a bowl.
3.  Add the egg yolks…start with 2 and then add a 3rd if needed.  You should be able to mould the mixture into patties and if it is not sticking together, add another egg.
4.  In a large skillet, heat the coconut oil.  Also, heat your oven to 375.
5.  While the pan is heating, make patties with the root veggie mixture.  Squeeze out the excess moisture while you are shaping them.
6.  Fry them in the skillet for about 2 minutes per side, until they are brown.
7.  Transfer them onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet and pop them in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.  This helps to finish cooking the veggie all the way through.
8.  Enjoy!

Fully Primal Husband gave the following testimonial, “These are really good!  They taste better than the Whole Foods patties.”  Nice.